East Village Youth Program prepares Chicago youth to become first generation college graduates.
EVYP will establish a tradition of college graduation for Chicago youth.
Through comprehensive programming including academic advancement, risk prevention, socio-emotional skills development, financial literacy and outreach, EVYP provides our students with the tools they need to become successful young adults. EVYP’s overreaching long-term goals are:
EVYP provides our programs to more than 850 youth and their families. The majority of our youth come from the Chicago communities of West Town, Humboldt Park, Belmont-Cragin, Avondale, and Logan Square but many of our youth come from all over Chicago. Approximately 87% of our youth are Latino; 6% are White; 5% are African-American and 2% are Other. Sixty-six percent of our students are female and 100% are from low-income families.
Access to higher learning is a key component to ending the cycle of poverty. Yet today, just one in ten youth from low-income families will graduate from college by age 25. At East Village Youth Program, we work to not only prepare our youth for entering college but also ensure they graduate and go on to become successful young professionals. In 2016, 100% of EVYP youth were accepted to a four-year university. Beyond college access, 75% of EVYP college students graduate within five years. Through comprehensive college and career readiness services, EVYP builds a culture of achievement for youth and their families.