Board of Directors

East Village Youth Programs’s board members are committed to making college dreams a reality for all students and creating a culture of achievement in the communities we serve. They are leaders in their respective industries and provide ongoing counsel, support and oversight to EVYP staff.



Fabian Perez*, President

Strategic Vision, Inc.

Jim Herbst, Vice President

Interstate Tenant Advisers LLC

Rosemary Francis, Secretary

Lesly Flores, Treasurer

Associated Bank

Jess Levine, EVYP Founder


Mark Castellanos


Alan Castro

Wintrust Mortgage

Nicolas Fulks

Envoy Air

Jake Golovchuk

Department of Finance, City of Chicago

Carmen Jimenez

Vidal & Associates, Ltd.

Henry Moya

Public Relations and Communications Consultant

Janet Paradiso


Art Safer

Concordia University Chicago

Aldo Valencia

Educational & Institutional Insurance Administrators

Anibal J. Vega, Ex-Officio

Executive Director, EVYP

*Denotes EVYP Alumni